Spiraling out of control

It’s been all quiet on the blog front lately.  I have photos piling up unsorted, zoo visits unchronicled, and thoughts unfocused.  That’s the thing you see, there has to be the right sort of focus or it all just gets a little bit out of control.

love the mad man with hearts in his eyes

Recently I’ve been trying to focus on the jobhunting thing.  Calling it just ‘the thing’ could be misleading.  At the very least it should have capitals to give a sense of scale and significance, and maybe italics too: The Thing looms over my days like the rain clouds that have been all too prevalent in the last week, and the sad fact is, I’m rubbish at it.  Give me a job and I’ll do a darn fine job of it, but ask me to find a new one and I’ll probably struggle.

The trouble is, I’m letting it get me down.  I’m letting it stop me phoning my friends, because I don’t have a cheerful answer to ‘how’s the job hunt going’, and I’m letting it make me grumpier than I ought to be with LTN (which, for the record, is not at all).

So, a resolution has been passed.  I shall snatch back my usual optimism, I shall enjoy my wonderful cheering squad, and I shall dance naked in the rain.  But when it comes to resolutions you’ve got to be realistic, so I’ll be aiming for 2 out of 3 of those and calling it a job well done.

Watch this space for the pictures I’ve been hoarding and stories of milkshake, rainbows and seedlings on my windowsill.  It’s onwards and upwards from here on in.